Valgetal newest version 3.3
-----------( Valsetup.zip )
Valsetup.exe 766 kb, Windows 32/64 bits,
multi language |
Valgetal msdos version
2.4 |
54 kb, Msdos, no install, multi
language |
Valgebra |
Valgebra .zip
41 kb, Msdos, no install, multi
language |
MatsetupWin8 |
MatsetupWin8.exe , 64 bits (but the 32 bits
version is somewhat better) |
Matego-- |
Matsetup.exe 861 kb, Windows,
multi language, 32 bits |
Eurobloks |
Ebsetup.exe, 374 kb, Windows 32 bits,
multi language |
Valgetal Tables
(newest version 2023-12) |
Valtsetup.exe, 1584 kb, Windows 32/64 bits,
multi language |
Powers of Ten
More info |
PWten.zip, 51 kb, Msdos, no
install, in English |
Potencias de Diez
Más info |
Pdiez.zip, 50 kb, Msdos, no
install, en español |
Machten van Tien
Meer info |
Mtien.zip, 54 kb, Msdos, geen
install, in Nederlands |
Meer info |
ABCform.zip, 72 kb, Msdos,
geen install, in Nederlands |
Linear Equations
More info |
Equation.zip, 73 kb, Msdos, no
install, in English |
Meer info |
Verg.zip, 71 kb, Msdos, geen
install, in Nederlands |
For the Msdos programs: To run them in
Windows 95, and higher, you can install the Msdos emulator "Dropbox"
, see
You will find instructions how to run Msdos programs with Dropbox.
Hint: After installing Dropbox, edit the file "DOSBox 0.74-3
At the end of this file:
mount d: d:\"directory
with the files of the Msdos programs"
Multi language = English, Nederlands,
Español (and Deutsch if Windows)
All our software is freeware. But if you like
our programs and use them frequently,
perhaps you would like to support the maintenance and
further development of our
software by paying us: it's up to you how much...
