Physics experiment: simulation of moving electrons, hydrogen and boron ions in a magnetic field
Computer simulation of idea 10 (with error in the program)
Experiment 10
In the following experiments there was an error in the program ( in the procedure Move2_particle, cx:=cx+cc*Ex; cy:=cy+cc*Ey; cz:=cz+cc*Ez; {before error: cx:=cx+cc*Ex; cy:=cy+cc*Ex; cz:=cz+cc*Ex;})
Experiment 10.01:
Using the Leapfrog method
The total kinetic energy Ek of the electrons
is not kept constant (0,1 nA) if (amountE=100) and not (Already) then begin
{Bh:=B(1 + 2r1 + 10r2) (r1= radius in xy-plane,
r2=vertical distance from center cube, at side r1=0,5 & r2=0,5 m)
2E-11 m/s
-> -5,9E-5 < vz < 5,9E-5 m/s (the
initial vertical speed of the electrons) After implenting this Leapfrog method, which was a bit complicated, I tried out the program and it did work.... normally a lot a runtime errors occure but this time nothing.. But anyway I will check the program, although it seems to work well.
Screenshot exp. 10.01 1.25E-5 s
Screenshots exp. 10.01 4.13 E-5 s ------------- Experiment 10.02: Using the Leapfrog method
The total kinetic energy Ek of the electrons
is not kept constant (0,1 nA) if (amountE=200) and not (Already) then begin B-field constant everywhere
2E-11 m/s
-> -5,9E-5 < vz < 5,9E-5 m/s (the
initial vertical speed of the electrons) Screenshot exp. 10.02 3,11 E-6 s. (the electrons spread out) --- Experiment 10.04: Using the Leapfrog method
The total kinetic energy Ek of the electrons
is not kept constant (0,1 nA) if (amountE=200) and not (Already) then begin B-field constant everywhere
2E-12 m/s
-> -5,9E-6 < vz < 5,9E-6 m/s (the
initial vertical speed of the electrons) Screenshots exp. 10.04 5,25 E-6 s (the electrons spread out) Experiment 10.05: Using the Leapfrog method
The total kinetic energy Ek of the electrons
is not kept constant (0,1 nA) if (amountE=200) and not (Already) then begin B-field constant everywhere
electron[i].vz:= 0 (the
initial vertical speed of the electrons) Screenshots\Exp. 10.05 8,24 E-6 s.jpg (electrons spread out)
Joustra |