Unlimited energy by means of flexibele werkvormen?

Unlimited energy by means of flexibele werkvormen (accordion-shaped volumes) ?





Letīs try to demonstrate that itīs not possible that a constant water pressure can increase the volume of an object submerged under water.

We will do calculations to the object whose cross section is shown below.

We want to move point 1 to the left, so that the middle cubic volume becomes bigger:

a < 45 š

This happens when   0,5 b < a/(2 sin a) - a sin a

What happens then with the total volume?

Total volume = 2 a2 cos a sin a  + b.2a.cos (letīs assume the width is 1 mtr)

First  ->  b = a/( sin a) - 2.a sin a ->  Total volume = 2 a2 cos a sin a + 2acos a/ sin a - 4 a2 cos a sin a = 2 a2 cos a sin a (-1 + 1/ sin2a)

Letīs take a = 40 š  -> b = a  ( 1/( sin a) - 2sin a )-0.01a = a . (0,270-0.01) = 0,26 a

So with a = 40 š  and b = 0,26 a  the forces excerted by the water pressure on the oblique sides (1, 2, 4 and 5) are in equilibrium with the forces excerted by the water pressure on the vertical sides 3 and 6.

Letīs now make b a little bit smaller, for example, b = 0,23a. There will be no equilibrium and the water pressure on the oblique sides will then move the vertical side 6 to the left and the vertical side 3 to the right. Will the total volume then become bigger??

a = 40 š  and b = 0,23 a -> total volume = 2 a2 cos a sin a  + b.2a.cos a = a2 (2cos40sin40 + 0,46 cos40) = 1,337 a2

a = 39 š  and b = 0,23 a -> total volume = a2 (2cos39sin39 + 0,46 cos39) = 1,336 a2

a = 38 š  and b = 0,23 a -> total volume =a2 (2cos38sin38 + 0,46 cos38) = 1,333 a2

It is a pitty, but the volume becomes smaller...

So it seems to be that we can not construct a perpetum mobile..


Mr. Wessel di Wesselli did visit the HTS Leeuwarden /TU Twente in 1985. I was there and I did like very much his "performance".
It was curious that more or less  the only argument against him was "this is not according the law of conservation of energy".
But this law cannot be proved... Only until now not any experiment did demonstrate the contrary.

Mr. Wessel di Wesselli still seems to be active, which is fine.  


15 June  2015      by  Rinze Joustra        www.valgetal.com